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24 abril 2014

21 coisas que talvez eu vá fazer (se é que já não fiz)

Copiando e colando do Danger Diary:

"Here are my uncomfortable things no one should miss out on….

  • Start a blog and write your uncensored, honest views. - Bem... já estamos nele...
  • Take yourself out to dinner alone.
  • Stand up for something you believe in even when you might risk disapproval. - Ser lésbica e querer ser professora universitária ajuda?
  • Go and see live music in a genre you don’t normally listen to. - fui no Tom Zé, MPB pra mim não rola desde sempre.
  • Introduce yourself to someone you would like to know but have felt too intimated by. - *ahem* várias e várias vezes dentro do ônibus...
  • Learn a new language - pode linguagem de bibliotecário? Não entendi ainda o que eles falam...
  • Travel to the country where they speak that language and try it with locals.
  • Dress opposite for your comfort level.
  • Write a heartfelt poem and share it with someone.
  • Volunteer to help someone who is very different from you.
  • Give a compliment to a complete stranger.
  • Go on a polar bear swim (jump in a cold lake). - Opa, esse dá pra fazer aqui \o/
  • Make a “free hugs” sign, go out in a public place with your friends and go for it.
  • Order a strange new dish at a restaurant.
  • Explore an abandoned building or area that’s unfamiliar to you.
  • Go on a road trip without a destination.
  • Get naked in front of an audience (whether that’s burlesque or telling a personal story or sharing personal art that you created). - já fiz, várias vezes, minha vida é um livro aberto, só perguntar qual página que tá as coisas indecorosas...
  • Learn a new skill (take a dance class, learn a new musical instrument). - aprendi fazer paródias, serve?
  • Initiate a conversation with someone far younger or much older than you. - HAHAHAHA todos os dias pelo menos converso com pessoas 10 anos mais novas que eu. E creio que há uma pessoa muito especial na minha vida de pseudo-bibliotecária que tem 10 anos a mais e me influencia pra caramba.
  • Figure out something you really want to do that you feel timid about doing. - Tipo: get laid? Yep.
  • What are some things that you have heard your friends or acquaintances talk about and you think – i’d never have the guts to do that….But it would be awesome. - tatuagens, piercings ou terem relacionamentos rápidos e sem ficarem attached as pessoas envolvidas. Última parte? Sim, tou tentando. Tatto e piercings? Nope, nem cheguem perto de mim, agulhas!

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